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Reset. Repair. Restore.

Wisconsin's First Psychedelic Therapy Clinic

We have successfully treated hundreds of Wisconsin and Milwaukee-area clients for anxiety, depression, PTSD, CPTSD, and more. Set up a free initial consultation to learn more.

Specialists In Ketamine-Assisted Therapy

Perspective Wellness is Wisconsin’s first psychedelic therapy clinic. We provide a gentle, insight-driven ketamine treatment process that helps catalyze positive personal growth and change. If you suffer from anxiety, depression, PTSD, or CPTSD and feel “stuck” in your process, please schedule a free consultation. Many clients benefit from even a single journey session. Treatment is very affordable, and we offer a sliding scale for veterans, first responders, and the economically disadvantaged.

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ketamine treatment for anxiety depresssion and ptsd in milwaukee wisconsin.milwaukee magaz

We are a non-profit organization and the lowest-cost provider of best-practice ketamine treatment in the Midwest and the United States.​ 

Our Process

ketamine treatment preparation psychedelic treatment milwaukee
ketamine treatment integration psychedelic treatment milwaukee
  • Free Initial Consultation - During this virtual call, we will discuss your situation and explore whether Perspective Wellness' treatment process is a good fit for you.

  • Psych-Med Intake - You will receive an extensive intake screening with our specially trained nurse practitioner (APNP) to ensure treatment is safe and appropriate. This appointment is virtual and scheduled at a time convenient for you.

  • Preparation Session. During this virtual prep session, you will meet your facilitator, learn in detail about what to expect, and collaborate to create an intention and mindset for your journey.

  • Journey Session - This is in person at our clinic and usually lasts three hours. We typically start clients out with a low-dose rapidly dissolving tablet (RDT) or intramuscular injection (IM) to help you ease into the process. The journey starts slowly and builds to a peak state of non-ordinary "deep mind" consciousness which lasts about 40-60 minutes. This is followed by a gentle and relaxing return back to ordinary mind. As you come down from the peak, facilitation begins, where we work with you to help draw out and crystallize your journey into memories and language. While our approach is to go "slow and low" with dosing, first encounters with the medicine are often very powerful. (This is not a cannabis gummy!) 

  • Integration Session - Integration is the process of bringing your deep mind journey experience into ordinary mind. Integration begins at the tail end of your journey and continues between sessions, and includes an integration session with your facilitator a few days after your journey.  Integration is client-led and often leads to wonderful breakthroughs and transformational insights of acceptance, self-understanding, and healing self-love. 

Our process is a wonderful adjunct to talk therapy. Many of our clients have a talk therapist and use their journey process to catalyze what they are working on in therapy. 

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We collaborate with client therapists free of charge. After every journey, clients receive a detailed, 1st Person Journey Note that captures what is said during the session. Clients also receive an individualized integration plan to help shape the neuroplasticity created by the medicine. Clients use their journey notes and integration plans for contemplation and processing with their regular therapists during talk therapy.

Client therapists also sometimes join journey sessions virtually or in person. We have amazing audio conferencing gear that brings your talk therapist into the room, right by your side. We have had some really incredible sessions this way.


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During my journey I felt deep feelings of beauty, love, and INFINITE ACCCPTANCE.... I now feel so much more at peace with myself and what is going on in my life... Amazing, transformative journey. Highly recommended.

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For the first time in forever, the anxious, depressive chatter stopped... I feel like I CONNECTED with MY TRUE SELF, worthy of love, joy, and peace... Integration was wonderful, helping me bring my journey experience into everyday life.

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Free Cosult

Schedule Free Consultation

Are you eligible? Watch this video - The 7 People Who Shouldn’t Get Ketamine

Learn More

We were trained by leaders in ketamine-assisted therapy, including Dr. Phil Wolfson and Dr. Harvey Schwartz of the Polaris Insight Institute.

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